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  • Writer's pictureStevee P

Respect the Process

Life reminds us that it is not a sprint but a marathon. It is filled with smooth moments, uphill battles, joys, pains, health, sickness, birth, death, and the list goes on.

Each turn, each chapter, and each experience serves a purpose for God's greater plan. We may not always understand it, yet we must trust that it will all workout for our good in the end.

God wants us to respect the process while we're on the way to the destination. He's building our character in order to handle the blessing. How can one be ready for a new car if he or she barely takes care of the one they have? How can one be ready to express love to a significant other if one doesn't show self-love? How can one want a better job if he or she is not faithful with the current one?

These are just a few examples that point to the heart of the matter: respecting the process in order to become a better steward of what God has given us.

It's not always the destination that serves as the most rewarding experience but the process it takes to get there.
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